Welcome to my mini-series "A House Full of Wonders"!
Do you know the feeling of decluttering a house? Dust flies, old boxes are sorted out, and suddenly light and air flow into spaces that have been crowded for a long time. It feels like you're not only sweeping the floors but also your soul—a liberating feeling that makes room for new things and brings warmth back into your life. It's almost as if the house itself lets out a relieved "Phew!"
That’s exactly how I felt when I began truly listening to my body. Two years ago, I decided to train as a Sexological Bodyworker—a profession that is already well-established in the U.S. This training helped me enter the “rooms of my body,” clear them out, let in light, and take a closer look at things I had pushed aside for so long, some of which were unpleasant. And in doing so, I was finally able to let them go.
But the most exciting part? With this holistic approach, I can now help others discover and illuminate their own unique inner spaces. Our bodies are like houses full of wonders—just waiting for us to open the doors. It's incredibly beautiful to witness how people I work with bring their inner spaces to life—sometimes so brightly that I feel like I need to grab sunglasses! 😊
What rooms within you are waiting to be discovered and brought to light?
I’m thrilled to have you join me on this journey. Follow along for the next posts, and feel free to share what’s moving you inside your inner house.
In the next post, I’ll talk about why repression is not a solution and what can unfold when we confront the closed doors within our bodies. Stay tuned for the next part of the series: “Repression Doesn’t Help.”
If you’d like to comment or share your thoughts, feel free to visit my blog—there, you can connect with me and others directly!
Caroline Tanja Banz